Sunday, June 3, 2012

deviantArt Updates 03/06/12


Got a mixed bag of stuff for you guys this time. First up is Unfocused, a multi-colour, pastel wallpaper I've been tinkering with since last year. It took quite a bit of restraint not to crank up the saturation and crank down the brightness (as usual) on this one, but somehow I persevered, and I think it works much better as a wallpaper this way. Also new this week are Spiky and Carnival, two more bits of kaleidoscope nonsense I made while messing about with Spooky Guy last year. And last, but now least, are two quite nice shots of an apple blossom (Apple Blossom 1, Apple Blossom 2), that I took in the wooded area behind my parents' place a couple of weeks ago. I know this makes me sound like the most pretentious asshole in the world, but I liked how the first pic turned out so much, I've ordered a big poster of it so I can pop it into a spare frame I've got hanging around.

(I'll try to resist touching myself while in its vicinity. :D)

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